All Rescues

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Consider rescues within about a 20 mile radius and don't forget to check both tiers of our public directory - Rescues and Small Rescues. Still struggling to find assistance? Visit our Help Page

North East Essex Badger Group


Species Helped: Badgers

Kent Bat Group


Species Helped: Bats


Hawk Conservancy Trust


Species Helped: Birds of Prey & Owls


Bat Rescue Berkshire


Species Helped: Bats

Avon Bat Group


Species Helped: Bats

Lincolnshire Bat Group


Species Helped: Bats

Leicestershire and Rutland Bat Group


Species Helped: Bats

Festival Park Owl Sanctuary


Species Helped: Birds of Prey & Owls,Gulls,Hedgehogs

Cornwall Bat Group


Species Helped: Bats

Essex Bat Group


Species Helped: Bats


Loch Lomond Bird of Prey Centre

Currently Full/Closed

Species Helped: Birds of Prey & Owls


Leicestershire Rook Rescue


Species Helped: Corvids,Garden Birds,Pigeons